Saturday, 24 January 2009

O.M.G. Edinburgh was COLD

I guess it's inevitable that dining in Edinburgh in the middle of Winter is going to be mostly about carbs.

White bread, pasta, lots of fried stuff and hardly a salad leaf in sight was what we got on a daily basis when dining out.

The upside was Lidls (an Aldi-like supermarket selling European exotics from single-estate chocs and vacpac beetroot (okay, the beetroot isn't exotic) to trowels (yep, trowels) and Chilean wine. God I love the place.

It's haphazard but addictive, particularly at Christmas when you get all these lovely Euro-yuletide lines like cinnamon biscuits and stollen and, yep, even MORE single-estate chocolate.

They eat battered, deep-fried Mars Bars in Edinburgh. And chip butties. And deep-fried pizza. Order a meat and salad sandwich, however, and it's time for a spot of hunt-the-greenery.

Enough already. Suffice to say it's good to back in the land of Boost Juice franchises and rabbit-sized helpings of green stuff. AND the weather's better.

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